The Fascinating Life of a Flâneuse – The Revolutionary Pont Neuf

The Fascinating Life of a Flâneuse – The Revolutionary Pont Neuf

For the third installment of Madelyn’s Fascinating Life of a Flâneuse series, she takes a dive into the history of this quintessentially Parisian pastime. Turn back the pages of history to the year 1600, and find out how a mere bridge could revolutionize the way that pedestrians interacted with their city! ... Read More

The Fascinating Life of a Flaneuse – Crisp Morning Run

The Fascinating Life of a Flaneuse – Crisp Morning Run

In order to be a flaneur, one must wander somewhat aimlessly around Paris, taking in the sights, scents and unique discoveries that can only be found in the City of Light. Madelyn has become very adept at this Parisian pastime, so she’s here to share her findings with you! This is part two in our continuing series, in which Madelyn explores the streets of Saint Germain and savors the beauty of Paris on a crisp morning! ... Read More

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